First of all, I started using cast iron back in 2019 and let me tell you it was a lot of trial and error and I almost wanted to give up. Fields cast iron are the smoothest cast iron pans that I have ever come across. Here's the trick folks, once you learn how to properly season your pans you'll be amazed how well the pan cooks. Actually, the Fields pan is ready to start cooking as soon as you get it, but I'm just a little extra with doing my own seasoning an additional 2 times before I start cooking with it. Once that is completed, then the first few times that I begin to use it I always start off by cooking Dutch Babies or some might call it a German Pancake. Either way it really begins to season the pan nicely and for my experience the seasoning has been bulletproof. Thank you Fields for such an excellent pan, and I am definitely looking forward passing it down to my kids years from now.